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Sept_27_Hip Hop Poster 2023

Academy Promo Package for Gr.5 Students
Dance Information package for Grade 5-7

Academy Application Package – NEW STUDENTS

“Eat. Sleep. Breathe. Dance!”


What is the Dunsmuir Dance Academy?

The Dunsmuir Dance Academy is a dance skill development program offered at Dunsmuir Middle

School for students in grades 6,7 and 8.  It is currently in its 16th year of operation and is instructed

by Miss. Danica Anderson.

About the Instructor

Danica is a teacher with dance training in ballet, pointe, jazz, contemporary, tap, lyrical, musical theatre and modern dance.  She is also a competitive Figure Skater and Gold level Ice Dancer currently training/competing through the Oak Bay Figure Skating Club.  She was a long-time performer/choreographer with P.A.C.E. Musical Theatre and is also a triple-threat graduate from the prestigious Canadian College of Performing Arts, where she studied with dance teachers including David Roland, Janice Tooby-MacDonald, Sherri Black and Jacques Lemay.  She has directed/choreographed full length musicals including, “Annie”, “Little Shop of Horrors”, and “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”.  Locally, Danica has studied and performed with Karen Clark Dance Studio, Wendy Steen Mitchell Dance, Dansko and Broad Street Dance.

Who can apply for the Dance Academy?

The Dunsmuir Dance Academy is open to any interested students in grades 6-8 who possess a passion and enthusiasm for dance along with a high level of commitment and coachibility required to improve & expand upon their existing dance training.  Although the program is not reserved for students with prior studio dance training, any recent experience in dance or other dance-related sports is beneficial.  We welcome dancers at all skill levels as the program is designed to offer experience and training in multiple dance styles with an emphasis on development of skills, technique and performance.  Eligible students must: be physically fit and capable of the demands of regular dance/fitness training, demonstrate excellent attendance, maintain outstanding behavior and effort, be self-motivated to practice on their own time, capable of balancing the demands of Academy with personal life and other outside activities as well as academic success, and cope well under pressure and in multiple performance settings.

How does this program “fit” into the student’s daily schedule?

This program is offered within the regular school day.  Students attend dance class in the Dunsmuir Dance Studio.  Students will have dance classes 3 times/week and will not take P.E.  Class size for Dance Academy will be capped at 28 students (per grade).

What kind of instruction will the dancers receive?

Dancers are offered instruction in many different styles of dance throughout the year.  Regular classes consist of extensive warm-up routines, conditioning, cross-floor skill development, choreography, as well as student created choreography and teaching experience.  Some of the dance genres regularly covered in Academy will include Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary, and Tap.  Along with regular weekly dance instruction, dancers will participate in workshops taught by guest teachers, they will train with 2 additional resident choreographers, and may attend presentations by local dance companies.  Dancers will also perform both in the school and out in the community, including the Dance Academies Winter Show, the Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival, Elements Dance Competition, Royal Bay’s Year End Recitals, as well as Dunsmuir’s “Evening of Dance” recitals.  All dancers are also encouraged to join one of our 3 award winning DMS Hip Hop crews (Fridays after school).

What supplies will dancers need?

All dancers will need school-appropriate, fitted dance attire, black tap shoes (which can be rented through our studio), black jazz shoes, a water bottle (supplied to all new dancers), dance performance undergarments, and Academy Uniforms (provided as part of the ‘dancer kit’).


Dance shoes and clothing can be purchased at:

Ellswear Dance: 3180 Harriet Rd.

Toes n’ Taps Dance Shoppe: 1733 Cook St.


What are the Program Fees?

Fees for the 2023/24 school year will total $1060.00 which includes a $255.00 deposit (due at the time of registration) and subsequent monthly payments of $115.00 (Sept.-March).  Fees will cover:

  • All dance instruction * Dancer Kit (includes Academy uniform, dance bag, water bottle)
  • Resident Choreographers                                  * Festival Fees, admission, and transportation costs
  • Workshops and Demonstrations                      * All costuming
  • Year End Recitals


Academy Bursary Applications

Sooke School District believes that all students should have the opportunity to participate in our District Academy Programs. We work with families in need of financial assistance to pay for Academy fees in the following ways:

  1. KidSport or Jumpstart Bursary
  2. District Bursaries
  3. Parent contribution

All bursary applications are handled through the Academies office.  Please call 250-391-9006 ext. 250 to begin the bursary application process. For more information, contact the Principal of Academy Programs,

Wayne Kelly:   wkelly@sd62.bc.ca

How do I Apply for Dunsmuir’s Dance Academy?

  1. All applicants will need to register online (even if your child is already registered in Dance Academy for the current school year). Registration starts ONLINE on March 6th at 6:00am
  2. All students wishing to be considered for placement in our Dance Academy (including current gr. 6/7 Academy students) will also need to submit an application package to the DMS office, no later than FRIDAY, MARCH 17th at 4:00pm.  Application packages will be available to pick up starting on March 6th at: the Dunsmuir office, the DMS website, the DMS Dance Academy website and the SD62 website.

Please note: online registration and the submission of the required application does not guarantee placement in the Dance Academy.  All applications will be reviewed/scored and then official confirmation letters will be emailed out after Spring Break.  Placement into the Dance Academy program will be based on the strength of the application package and completion of the online registration.

How can I find out more about the Dunsmuir Dance Academy?

* Please visit our website at: www.dunsmuirdanceacademy.weebly.com

* Contact the Dance Academy Director, Danica Anderson: danica.anderson@sd62.bc.ca

For more information about registration, fees/payment options, and bursaries:

Contact Principal of Academies, Wayne Kelly: wkelly@sd62.bc.ca

Academies Secretary, Jennifer Nolin: jnolin@sd62.bc.ca